Business Valuation
For many business owners, their company is their largest asset. There are many business transactions where it is imperative to know the value of your business. Knowing your business’ value can make or break a negotiation or proposition.
An objective business valuation can make the difference between your success or failure.

- Negotiating a merger
- Adding new shareholders
- Resolving disputes associated with liability
- Shareholder equity
- Buy-Sell Agreegreements
- Estate planning
- Marital dissolution
- Death of Owner
tax advisors will ensure that you are making the right tax preparation decisions for you, your family, or your business. Our approach for tax planning involves more than just a review of your previous year taxes. We work with you to set strategic business or personal goals, advise you about the various tax implications you currently have or may anticipate having based on your type of business, then create proactive tax plans to meet those goals.
Business valuation is not an exact science. It is based on judgment, experience and industry information. Our team of professional experts who are well qualified and can provide you with an objective analysis of the value of your business. We work closely with you to analyze your operations and financial information to provide you with a well thought out, fully documented opinion of the value of your business.